CNC machine manufacturer
For your needs

CNC lathes
We specialize in the construction of CNC lathes cast from cast iron. Machine design, molds, castings and assembly are performed in Poland. Currently, the Mini series is available, which is characterized by a wide range of applications and a large possibility of configuration.

CNC milling machines
We also specialize in the construction of CNC milling machines cast entirely from cast iron. As with Lathes, production is carried out entirely in Poland. Currently available and in continuous sale are the Lite, Advanced and PRO series.

Tooling, CNC Tools and Software
We also offer sales of CNC tools, spare parts for our machines, production equipment for specific applications and CAD/CAM software.

Training, support and help in starting your CNC adventure
After purchasing the device, each customer receives free training in its use, technical advice on specific processing and, for a fee, CAD/CAM training packages with practical application.

CNC lathes
Specjalizujemy się w budowie tokarek CNC odlewanych z żeliwa. Projekt maszyn, formy, odlewy jak i montaż wykonywane w Polsce. Aktualnie dostępna jest seria Mini, która charakteryzuje się szerokim zakresem zastosowań i dużą możliwością konfiguracji.

CNC milling machines
We also specialize in the construction of CNC milling machines cast entirely from cast iron. As with Lathes, production is carried out entirely in Poland. Currently available and in continuous sale are the Lite, Advanced and PRO series.

Tooling, CNC Tools and Software
We also offer sales of CNC tools, spare parts for our machines, production equipment for specific applications and CAD/CAM software.

Training, support and help in starting your CNC adventure
After purchasing the device, each customer receives free training in its use, technical advice on specific processing and, for a fee, CAD/CAM training packages with practical application.
Durable construction
Thanks to the use of cast iron in the production of our machines and monolithic tables, our machines are highly rigid and durable for years.
Easy maintenance
Our machines are designed so that the user has convenient access to all components. Which is important from the perspective of long use
Energy saving
Due to their low energy consumption, our machines allow the user to significantly reduce costs compared to larger machines while maintaining comparable efficiency.
Key Features of Our Products
Attention to quality and every detail
Our machines are distinguished by their unique design, attention to detail and are manufactured under the supervision of the most experienced employees.
Simple controls
Our machines provide convenient and intuitive operation for both specialists and those just starting their career in the CNC field.
Small dimensions
Our machines are small in size compared to the work area. This allows for significant space savings and placement in harder to reach places.
Configuration flexibility
We offer machines with a wide range of configurations to best suit the user's requirements. Thanks to this approach, we can provide solutions for many business profiles. Possibility of integration to work with a robot or production management system.
Key Features of Our Products
Durable construction
Thanks to the use of cast iron in the production of our machines and monolithic tables, our machines are highly rigid and durable for years.
Easy maintenance
Our machines are designed so that the user has convenient access to all components. Which is important from the perspective of long use
Energy saving
Due to their low energy consumption, our machines allow the user to significantly reduce costs compared to larger machines while maintaining comparable efficiency.
Simple controls
Our machines provide convenient and intuitive operation for both specialists and those just starting their career in the CNC field.
Small dimensions
Our machines are small in size compared to the work area. This allows for significant space savings and placement in harder to reach places.
Configuration flexibility
We offer machines with a wide range of configurations to best suit the user's requirements. Thanks to this approach, we can provide solutions for many business profiles. Possibility of integration to work with a robot or production management system.
Attention to quality and every detail
Our machines are distinguished by their unique design, attention to detail and are manufactured under the supervision of the most experienced employees.
Key Features of Our Products
Durable construction
Thanks to the use of cast iron in the production of our machines and monolithic tables, our machines are highly rigid and durable for years.
Easy maintenance
Our machines are designed so that the user has convenient access to all components. Which is important from the perspective of long use
Energy saving
Due to their low energy consumption, our machines allow the user to significantly reduce costs compared to larger machines while maintaining comparable efficiency.
Simple controls
Our machines provide convenient and intuitive operation for both specialists and those just starting their career in the CNC field.
Small dimensions
Our machines are small in size compared to the work area. This allows for significant space savings and placement in harder to reach places.
Configuration flexibility
We offer machines with a wide range of configurations to best suit the user's requirements. Thanks to this approach, we can provide solutions for many business profiles. Possibility of integration to work with a robot or production management system.
Attention to quality and every detail
Our machines are distinguished by their unique design, attention to detail and are manufactured under the supervision of the most experienced employees.
About us
Our foundations
It is made up of excellent products and services. Ingenious solutions and significant innovations from LF. That is why we are primarily targeted by customers who require the best solutions. It is precisely when dealing with difficult problems that LF achieves the best results.
Our style
We treat problems in an interdisciplinary way. LF's offer is addressed to many industries. We are also known for the fact that our clients can count on an individual solution to each problem. The complete offer, innovative solutions used in our devices and the experience and commitment of our employees make LF products an excellent choice for demanding users.
The most important measure of our success is customer orientation. We are a manufacturer and service provider in the best sense of the word. This attitude is reflected in the decision to create the LF umbrella brand. Thanks to this, our clients have one point of contact where they can talk about all their requirements and needs. Having a wide range of competences and an offer including a wide range of proven solutions, we are able to individually meet the requirements of each client.
The ability to focus on the future, rather than looking into the past, is decisive for success. For LF, the future begins with each new project. Regardless of whether it is about developing new products, improving existing ones, constantly working on improving software or investing in a production plant - it is always for the benefit of our customers.
About us
Our foundations
It is made up of excellent products and services. Ingenious solutions and significant innovations from LF. That is why we are primarily targeted by customers who require the best solutions. It is precisely when dealing with difficult problems that LF achieves the best results.
Our style
We treat problems in an interdisciplinary way. LF's offer is addressed to many industries. We are also known for the fact that our clients can count on an individual solution to each problem. The complete offer, innovative solutions used in our devices and the experience and commitment of our employees make LF products an excellent choice for demanding users.
The most important measure of our success is customer orientation. We are a manufacturer and service provider in the best sense of the word. This attitude is reflected in the decision to create the LF umbrella brand. Thanks to this, our clients have one point of contact where they can talk about all their requirements and needs. Having a wide range of competences and an offer including a wide range of proven solutions, we are able to individually meet the requirements of each client.
The ability to focus on the future, rather than looking into the past, is decisive for success. For LF, the future begins with each new project. Regardless of whether it is about developing new products, improving existing ones, constantly working on improving software or investing in a production plant - it is always for the benefit of our customers.
About us
Our foundations
It is made up of excellent products and services. Ingenious solutions and significant innovations from LF. That is why we are primarily targeted by customers who require the best solutions. It is precisely when dealing with difficult problems that LF achieves the best results.
Our style
We treat problems in an interdisciplinary way. LF's offer is addressed to many industries. We are also known for the fact that our clients can count on an individual solution to each problem. The complete offer, innovative solutions used in our devices and the experience and commitment of our employees make LF products an excellent choice for demanding users.
The most important measure of our success is customer orientation. We are a manufacturer and service provider in the best sense of the word. This attitude is reflected in the decision to create the LF umbrella brand. Thanks to this, our clients have one point of contact where they can talk about all their requirements and needs. Having a wide range of competences and an offer including a wide range of proven solutions, we are able to individually meet the requirements of each client.
The ability to focus on the future, rather than looking into the past, is decisive for success. For LF, the future begins with each new project. Regardless of whether it is about developing new products, improving existing ones, constantly working on improving software or investing in a production plant - it is always for the benefit of our customers.

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Scientific/research/educational institutions

Latest blog entries

Woodworking machines – types
Drewno jest jednym z materiałów, które człowiek wykorzystuje od wielu tysięcy lat. Jego popularność, mimo mijających wieków, mód i stałego oraz coraz szybszego postępu technologicznego nie maleje, a wręcz przeciwnie, wzrasta. Jakie maszyny można wykorzystać do jego obróbki zarówno w produkcji na skalę przemysłową, jak i w mniejszych zakładach? Przekonajmy się.

How do CNC plotters work?
CNC milling plotters are devices with multiple uses when it comes to material processing. They can be used for processing both flat and shaped surfaces. It works well when working with materials such as wood or paper, but it can also handle plastics perfectly. The tasks of plotters include, among others: cutting, drilling, notching and surface engraving.

How to choose the right CNC milling machine?
A CNC milling machine is a modern and innovative device for professional processing of wood, metal, glass, ceramics, and plastics. It will work well both in a specialist facility and in an amateur workshop. It is safe to use and its use significantly improves work. In addition, it can be equipped with additional elements, including a dust removal system and a cooling system. The use of the CNC system, i.e. a program that allows computer control of numerical devices via a microcomputer, allows for quick, extremely accurate, and above all highly repeatable execution of selected shapes.

Woodworking machines – types
Drewno jest jednym z materiałów, które człowiek wykorzystuje od wielu tysięcy lat. Jego popularność, mimo mijających wieków, mód i stałego oraz coraz szybszego postępu technologicznego nie maleje, a wręcz przeciwnie, wzrasta. Jakie maszyny można wykorzystać do jego obróbki zarówno w produkcji na skalę przemysłową, jak i w mniejszych zakładach? Przekonajmy się.

How do CNC plotters work?
CNC milling plotters are devices with multiple uses when it comes to material processing. They can be used for processing both flat and shaped surfaces. It works well when working with materials such as wood or paper, but it can also handle plastics perfectly. The tasks of plotters include, among others: cutting, drilling, notching and surface engraving.
Our YouTube channel
LF to renomowany producent maszyn CNC, specjalizujący się w tworzeniu frezarek i tokarek z żeliwa. Firma zlokalizowana w Polsce, dostarcza swoje produkty na rynki przemysłu hobbystycznego oraz małych serii produkcyjnych, oferując rozwiązania do obróbki stali, tworzyw sztucznych, drewna i metali kolorowych. Dzięki solidnej konstrukcji i precyzyjnemu wykonaniu, maszyny LF cieszą się uznaniem zarówno wśród profesjonalistów, jak i amatorów. Innowacyjne podejście do projektowania oraz elastyczność konfiguracji pozwalają na dostosowanie urządzeń do specyficznych potrzeb użytkowników.
Oferta maszyn CNC
LF oferuje szeroką gamę maszyn do obróbki CNC, które wyróżniają się trwałością i precyzją działania. Modele z serii Lite, takie jak Lite 1 i Lite 2, charakteryzują się kompaktowymi wymiarami oraz zaawansowanym wyposażeniem, co czyni je idealnym wyborem dla małych warsztatów i zakładów produkcyjnych. Każda maszyna jest wyposażona w nowoczesne technologie, takie jak elektrowrzeciona Teknomotor oraz systemy komunikacji LAN.